2016 — President Trump’s Priorities: That Was Then…This is Now. (Part 1 of 2)

Robert Pacilio
5 min readOct 28, 2020

It is always intriging to look back in time to see what America faced four years ago.The original date of this essay — November 2016. Mr. Trump was President-Elect and Americans had ‘ campaign promises’ of his priorities. Here is a look back and my grades on his performance: October 27, 2020.

The Updated Top Ten Issues Facing President-elect Trump in 10 Days and Counting…

In a matter of weeks, President-elect Trump will be a reality; he will need to address all of these issues. This is the most popular blog I have written with over 400 page views, and I felt it needed an update…so here goes… by the way, immigration still does not make my top ten although prison reform is number 11.)

10. Decreasing the deficit by decreasing the Military Industrial Complex: President Eisenhower warned the nation before he left office. He wasn’t talking about decreasing support for troops or vets; he was talking about building weapons and selling them for profit to other nations…like Saudi Arabia! (It’s happening now and also sales to Israel, too — 35 billion dollars worth…) F — the deficit has ballooned because of the tax cut to the rich and spending has kept up. Growth never came close to making up the difference as his experts claimed.



Robert Pacilio

San Diego County “Public School Teacher of the Year.” (32 year veteran) Author of five novels & a memoir available on Amazon and at www.robertpacilio.net.