Well, it’s all a guessing game. In the end, a lot comes down to two things: how fed up all Americans are with the President’s behavior, policies (foreign and domestic) and; 2. how the economy fares. Recession worries loom. The rich are richer. The stock holders are, too. The middle class finds itself ‘employed’ (or underemployed) but still not going anywhere and very worried about healthcare (as they should be if Trump wins and the R’s succeed in further destroying what is left of the ACA. People 18–35 are most impacted by 1. Bills (including college loans); 2. Housing costs (not affordable in major cities…even minor ones) and ; 3. The fact the global warming will be intolerable in their lifetime. So it is that faction that will support Sanders — but how many votes will this be with a age group that historically does not vote in big numbers nor do they live (as a large voting block) in electoral college states that need to flip blue? One last thing, Bernie is a hard worker and a good ‘talker’ — but check his record on bills he has written that passed. Not going to find hardly any. Why? because he has been an outsider who represents a tiny fraction of Vermont voters and thus has stayed in the legislative branch (Senate) for almost as long as Patrick Leahy. Sanders accomplishments were as mayor of Burlington. Yes, he write a lot of bills and he is honest about how to pay for them — but he will excite the right to get out and vote and swallow their common sense on Trump’s character because he is in their view a ( socialist) threat. That is why I support Amy Klobuchar.; she is more effective legislator, right on healthcare, sensible on college debt — and as for housing costs — nobody knows what to do there — Yang’s $1,000 (pre-tax) is nice, but will create enormous debt and won’t breach the gap that younger folks need to get a down payment and meet the mortgage.