Member-only story
Government Is Good — But Easily Taken for Granted
I’ve been spending considerable time thinking about the value we place on our American government, as well as the need to be an informed citizen of this great nation. Last month, I walked through the cities of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, and I could not help but be reminded how America saved the world from Hitler’s Holocaust. I was proud of the Greatest Generation, who waded onto the beaches of Normandy to save others from the tyranny of the Nazi onslaught.
With all the ‘Deep State’ conspiracy talk, the debates about ‘how much is too much’ government involvement, and complaints about taxation, I became motivated to answer a simple question that was asked by Rush Limbaugh: “With the exception of the military, I defy you to name one government program that has worked and alleviated the problem it was created to solve.” I discovered the answer by doing something Americans often don’t have time for — reading.
Many folks think they never needed government to do anything for them; after all, they pulled themselves up by their efforts with little help from Uncle Sam. Many view government as the enemy or as a bunch of bungling fools or as merely a greedy taxation machine…maybe all three.
So let me remind everyone of some of “Government’s Greatest Hits” — (and for brevity, these are just the Gold Standards)…