I’m a maverick. I’ve been rejected, left to twist in the wind, encouraged but then dropped without a parachute by literary agents and I’ve learned that I’m my own advocate. I have self published six books over the last 14 years after a 32 year career loving being a high school teacher. I have my own editors, book designers and loyal readers. I don’t have time for the machine and it’s guardians to recognize me. So I read this essay with a critical eye, nodding at your view of the publishing industry and the game that seems rigged by the players and publishers.
Thank you so much for reminding me that if I waited for their ‘blessing’ I would never have moved so many of my readership to tears and cheers. One more thing, if you think I’m just bitter, I’m not because I’ve had a wonderful career and a rewarding Second Act as a novelist . I do have a eye for great writing, and your essay is spot on. Bravo. Www.Robertpacilio.net