Linda , well this is disturbing. I have no idea how to help.I know you are a published essayist in traditional magazines. Having said that please take my remarks as constructive advice. I would not consider Medium a ‘published , traditional’ magazine, no matter what anyone may say. I therefore think these plagiarists are viewing Medium as easy pickings. Of course, people steal from writers in major magazines too, but it seems that there is a greater chance they will either get caught or more importantly, they will not get the stolen essay published anywhere but a place like Medium, which pays Pennies .
Yes, my goal was to educate folks in the area of teaching, and I hoped to recoup the fifty bucks it cost me to join; however, I felt that I was not really protected from the liars and thieves that you are plagued with. I hope Medium does something but considering the thousands of essays submitted in a week to so called ‘sub magazines, ‘ it is hard to imagine a serious level of protection for you and and others.
You are a pro. I have read your stuff. I wish you the best. As a novelist and retired teacher, this is not my ‘ day job’ but for you it must be maddening. If my self published novels were ever plagiarized I would be looking for blood.
Robert Pacilio