Okay I get that. Today John Heilman called bs on Hannity , but made the point that Hannity’s bs is the exactly the strategic plan on Fox. It is a directed , purposeful plan of disinformation. ( This is when Hannity claims that Pelosi is guilty of attacking Trump by “licking him up” {Hsnnity’s exact words}. Yes, it’s “informative “ to hear this level of irony ( since even in 2019 Trump encourages the “lock her up” chant), but I will not engage with the Hannity world. Heilman’s frustration was so evident when he said bullshit twice and so did Nicole Wallace. You can’t discuss issues with such idiocy…especially when the person making a point is intent on making a mockery of reasoned debate. Even Ted Kippel called Hannity and his ilk dangerous ( to his face on camera)!