To the race point. “We were more racially divided than ever.” You seem to feel he caused this. Why would that be? Because he is black? Because the moment he was the first black president McConnell promised to 1. Make him a one term president and never pass anything ( which McCain wisely have Mitch a thumbs down). Perhaps the racial animus was stoked by racists like Trump who claimed without one shred of evidence that he was not born in The USA?
As for jobs. As my photo of the before after Chart explains that unemployment went down and consumer confidence rose incredibly. The DOW went from up largely in the strength of a slow , patient rise. Overall growth rose dramatically from President Bush’s exit. President Obama left office with the economy in excellent shape generally ( although the rich poor disparity is still too large). Arguing that the economy was a problem with Obama is not a compelling point as the data disputes this.
Regarding popularity, here is an array of programs and policies that have made him so popular :” In Obama’s first four years, he bailed out the auto industry saving several thousands of jobs, and the auto industry repaid the loan.
He tightened up credit requirements to curtail predatory lending practices, which was the main reason the country went into the Great Recession, stated Kevin Darné, …“Obama got the Affordable Care Act passed which brought the number of 46.5 million un-insureds down to 27 million by 2016, and the stock market rebounded, and job growth increased monthly, and he also won the Nobel Peace Prize,” Darné stated, adding that Obama repealed “Don’t ask don’t tell” in the military, supported federal recognition of same-sex marriage, and protected Dreamers from deportation.
“His quick response to Hurricane Sandy drew praise from Republican governors, Chris Christie of New Jersey and Bob McDonnell of Virginia, who killed Osama Bin Laden, the person responsible for the 9–11 attacks in 2001.”
Darné also pointed out that Obama effectively managed the Ebola crisis. At the same time, Trump has only repeated his mantra of building a wall, gutting Obamacare, and handling the COVID-19 crisis less than stellar, he said….
Obama’s popularity led his being named history’s most popular American president.“
As for your personal issues ( your husband’s) , I can’t speak to that. I know that not all ships rise with the tide. I know the Bush W’s administration sunk a lot of others ships.
In the end. Mr Obama inherited a mess and despite so much rancor from opposition did the job even when things looked grim.
As for Biden , I do believe he will bring in competent credible members to his administration. We have seen what MrTrump. has Accomplished. I would venture to say we are more divided ( racially and politically), more economically crippled, and less respected by allies. the deficit is massive. I also believe , personally , that Mr Obama and Biden are men with integrity – a quality lacking in the Oval Office ; there Is no data on that, but I think that it’s a pretty fair statement.
Again, thanks. we may never agree but we will not be disagreeable.
That’s what I liked in McCain ; postscript, I get why you wouldn’t vote for Biden. I can see your frustration withheld Democrats. I am not sure why you would vote for Trump…just sayin’