This is a key point! Shankar. As for my response that you asked me to clarify, two things. 1. Your research is impeccable and I certainly bow to your conclusions but…2. The gerrymandering and voter suppression that is occurring in some 30 states could tip the balance to the R in presidential race and in the House.
I think the great danger lies in two attributes of the political landscape. First being that the R party believes less government taxes and regulations ( as little as possible with the exception of military buildup). This is so ridiculous. With global warming threatening the planet now and increasingly destroying cities and towns , government must act and spend money to preserve the sanctity of life. And that requires global involvement. Secondly, this isolationist view is emanating from ‘no-nothing, utterly unqualified personalities .. Trump, Kardasian, and the talking blow hards at Fox aka Hannity, Carlson.