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To All Teachers: ‘Opening Day’ Heroes Still Making a Difference!
Hello, Medium. Welcome to my Metaphor Cafe Essays. I’ve been writing for years, but just now have found Medium. Here is my first installment.
I know exactly how teachers feel when it’s August. The ‘letter’ comes. Summer, as you know it, is over.
You feel like Indiana Jones trying to outrace the GIANT BALL…just remember, he makes it… and keeps his hat!
You trudge to your classroom to set up the desks. In no time, your hands have the grim of the summer months still on them. Sweat. This is the ‘pre-show’ prep that kids rarely see. For some of you veteran teachers, this is ‘old hat’ ; for the young guns, it is still ‘nervous time.’ But right around the corner it’s “Opening Day!”
So, I thought it might say a few words of encouragement to both groups. After all, I spent ’32 seasons in the big leagues’…all at Mt. Carmel High School in San Diego. I know a thing or two about how long the season is and how difficult it can be to ‘manage your team.’ To paraphrase Oprah: Here’s what I know for sure!
“Teaching and Inspiring Are Not Mutually Exclusive!” Sometimes teachers have a…