Walter. I am your calling card. In 2008 I wrote my debut novel as I was wrapping up 32 years of teaching. One of my former students walked into my classroom and told me about Createspace. I had been a rookie in the query/ agent/ publishing world and felt powerless.
Fast forward 16 years and I have published 6 books, myself, with my team I have hired editors, designers, etc...and my loyal readers.
So to all those out there who doubt your essay's theme--it can be done.
A caveat: I didn't need the money. I didn't quit my job. It has paid me several thousand dollars--I don't keep track. The profits were either 1. spent to take my wife to Hawaii, 2. reinvested in the cost for an editor for the next book, or 3. saved so I can send my daughter to see Taylor Swift!