“Walter, Walter, Walter…”to quote Atticus Finch to Walter Cunningham, who is leading a bunch of farm folk to lynch Tom Robinson, but he is interrupted by his daughter Scout, who proves to Cunningham and the farmers that they are fathers and human beings…not vigilante killer. So I say to your Walter, you are a writer and not really a teacher. How do I know that? 1. Your essays are very good. 2. Mulch more importantly, as a former teacher of 32 years (English, history and speaking) I was born to teach. It is in my soul. My writing is something else I am very good and enjoy doing, but put me with a group of kids and…well, I’m in the kid biz. I teach invisible things to kids. Love, compassion, empathy, courage, hate and revenge…all the invisible stuff that kids need who understand so that they can follow the moral high ground to their passion.
Keep writing. I know it’s not a guarantee of financial independence or stability. But it is what you were meant to do. If you find the need to teach…then teach them how you write. That is the practical thing I taught along its two other things…to speak and to think.